
For overseas customers|对于从 国外来的客户

English|英文 Chinese|中文


DROP Store is available internationally. We use EMS for shipping and can ship to more than 120 countries and regions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at <Contact page> or Email <info@drp.asia>.

Accepted payment methods|可接受的付款方式

Credit card, PayPal, Alipay, KakaoPay, and various other QR code payments are accepted. Please see the page for details.

Accepted payment methods|ご利用いただけるお支払い方法|可接受的付款方式

International Shipping|国际送货

Shipping is usually by EMS. For details on countries where EMS is available, please see the Japan Post website below.

Express Mail Service(EMS)List of Countries and Areas​

Tracking system provides tracking of shipments in more than 40 countries/regions. For other countries and regions, it is possible to check even the departure status from Japan.

Express Mail Service(EMS)List of Countries and Areas​

Shipping Charges|运输费用​

Shipping charges will vary depending on the weight of the item and the destination.Please check the EMS website below for estimated shipping costs.​

Rate schedule (EMS:All Zones)​​


  • Please write your address in English alphabet as much as possible. For example, there have been some incidents where EMS Japan Post could not handle addresses written in non-alphabetical characters and could not deliver the package.
  • We cannot guarantee against damage or loss during shipping. Please understand this beforehand.
  • If the package is returned to our store due to incomplete address information, return shipping costs will be charged to the customer (cash on delivery). Please understand this beforehand.
  • The duties of the destination country are to be charged to the customer.​


DROP 电商对应日本以外国家购买。使用 EMS(日本邮政 国际快捷)​
进行配送,可向 120 多个国家/地区发货。​

可接受的付款方式|Accepted payment methods​

可使用信用卡、PayPal、支付宝、KakaoPay 和各种二维码支付。​

Accepted payment methods|ご利用いただけるお支払い方法|可使用的付款方式​

国际发货|International Shipping​

通常使用 EMS(日本邮政 国际快捷) 发货。 EMS 可发往120多个的国家/地区。​
有关可 EMS 发往的国家/地区的详细信息,请参阅日本邮政网站。​

Express Mail Service(EMS)List of Countries and Areas​​

40 多个国家/地区可使用跟踪系统查询。以外其他国家/地区可以查询从日本出发的状态。​

Express Mail Service(EMS)List of Countries and Areas​

运输费用|Shipping Charges​​

运费试算请查看下面的 EMS 网站。​

Rate schedule (EMS:All Zones)​​


  • 请尽可用英文填写地址。(曾经发生过EMS无法处理用英文以外的语言填写的地址,导致无法发货的情况。)
  • 对于海外运送过程发生的损坏或丢失,无法赔偿。敬请理解​
  • 如果由于送货地址信息不完整等原因导致退货,如果买方要求重新发货,重新发货的费用(货到付款)应由买方承担。 敬请理解。
  • 发货目的地的关税为买方负责。​